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Booking & Timetable

You are just a few steps away from joining
your next class!

Choose your desired class in the timetable and click on it to sign in. If a class is canceled for an unforeseen reason, we will let you know when you’re signed in.


Attention: classes are automatically canceled 2 hours before the class starts, when no one is signed in!

Are you missing your favorite class or is it fully booked? Navigate with the arrows to the next week and book your slot!

Enhance Your Comfort –
Leave Your Mat at Our Studio!

Leave your mat with us and focus solely on your practice.

  • Half-Year Plan: €1.00/week (€26)

  • Full-Year Plan: €0.75/week (€39)

Select your preferred duration and send us an email to store your mat. You will receive a name tag for your personal space. 

Image - Woman smiling with a yoga mat in her left hand

Our Yoga Classes

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